Airport Transport Service for Shipping to Kuwait

If you’re organizing shipments to Kuwait and wish to streamline your travel experience without the burden of handling boxes and luggage, we’re ready to help. Our team of experienced drivers will arrive promptly at your home, hotel, or office to deliver professional service.


Whether you’re sending multiple boxes, extensive luggage, or a shipment of commercial goods consisting of several pallets, our staff is committed to ensuring seamless and dependable transportation. No matter if your shipment is headed from New York to Salmiyah, Detroit to Alahmady, or Los Angeles to Kuwait City, our dedicated professionals will manage your cargo with the highest level of care. The shipping process includes a secure transfer to our storage facility before it is dispatched to the airport.


Feel free to contact us with any inquiries.


To arrange a pickup, please reach out at 1-800-252-5262 or 1-310-243-2900, or send an email to [email protected]. You can also complete the form below and someone will get back to you.