


Package calculator is the best way to calculate your international shipping rates for all services all in one page. It is the only shipping calculator that generates instant online rates for air freight, ocean freight, and door to door services all at once. This allows the shipper to compare between services and carriers at the same time. It saves time and money, as it shows cheaper options using different shipping modes. When you ship internationally, your shipment will be subject to customs inspection at the destination. Generally speaking, documents may not be subject to customs duty and VAT, but everything else is. Door to door shipping means that we pick up the cargo from your door steps, hotel or business, ship it to the destination airport or seaport, clear customs and deliver the cargo to your door at destination.

You customs and clearing agent at destination must understand the system well. Starting with proper documentation, customs forms, procedures and finally, customs duty and VAT. So, if you are moving internationally, prepare your cargo in advance, include a packing list and an estimated value for each box to make it easier for your agent to clear customs and deliver your cargo at destination. Packages allows the user to save time and money by showing all shipping rates all in one page

Family with children carying boxes with a stack of boxes next to a white couch